The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis

Martyr for the Imitation of Christ (Click/Expand or Bypass)

Blessed Lojze Grozde

Blessed Lojze Grozde was born illegitimately in Slovenia in 1923. He was cared for by relatives in a rural environment and did heavy manual work. Blessed Lojze was an outstanding student at school and became a member of Catholic Action, a lay organisation to promote good Catholic works. He loved reading, especially poetry. Blessed Lojze had a great devotion to the Eucharist, which he called the “Sun of my life”. Blessed Lojze wanted to do everything he could to promote the Kingdom of God, to lead other young people and to sacrifice himself for the salvation of souls. He also had a great love for the Virgin Mary, who helped him to enlarge the horizon of his spiritual life.

Slovenia was occupied during the Second World War by Italy and Germany. Civil War also broke out. At the beginning of 1943, at the age of only 19, Blessed Lojze left school to go to his family home for the holidays. On his journey he was seized by communists, who found him carrying a Missal, a book on Our Lady of Fatima and the spiritual classic ‘The Imitation of Christ’. That same night the communists tortured Blessed Lojze to death. His mutilated body was found a month later in a forest, without corruption. After the Second World War, because of the communist regime, it was prohibited to speak aloud about Blessed Lojze’s death, but despite this, his fame of martyrdom and reputation for holiness grew.

At his Beatification Mass, Pope Benedict said that, “Blessed Lojze was particularly devoted to the Eucharist, which nourished his unshakeable faith, his capacity for sacrificing for the salvation of souls and his apostolate in Catholic Action of leading other young people to Christ.”

I.  (1) The Imitation of Christ as Literature. xvii
II.  (2)  The Life of Thomas a Kempis. xxvii
III.  (3) The Brothers of the Common Life. xxxix
IV.  (4) The Sources of “The Imitation of Christ”. xliv
V.  (5) Theories of Authorship. lii
I.  (1) Of the imitation of Christ, and contempt of all worldly vanities. 1
II.  (2) Of having a humble opinion of ourselves. 3
III.  (3) Of the doctrine of truth. 5
IV.  (4) Of wisdom and forethought in our actions. 9
V.  (5) Of reading the Holy Scriptures. 11
VI.  (6) Of inordinate affections. 12
VII.  (7) Of avoiding vain hope and pride. 13
VIII.  (8) That too much familiarity is to be shunned. 14
IX.  (9) Of obedience and subjection. 15
X.  (10) Of avoiding many words. 17
XI.  (11) Of acquiring peace and of zeal for growth in holiness. 18
XII.  (12) Of the profit of adversity. 21
XIII.  (13) Of resisting temptation. 22
XIV.  (14) Of avoiding rash judgment. 26
XV.  (15) Of works of charity. 28
XVI.  (16) Of bearing with the faults of others. 29
XVII.  (17) Of life in a religious community. 31
XVIII.  (18) Of the examples of the holy fathers. 33
XIX.  (19) Of the exercises of a good religious. 36
XX.  (20) Of the love of solitude and silence. 40
XXI.  (21) Of compunction of heart. 45
XXII.  (22) Of the consideration of human misery. 48
XXIII.  (23) Of meditation on death. 53
XXIV.  (24) Of judgment and the punishment of sinners. 58
XXV.  (25) Of the zealous amendment of our whole life. 63
I.  (1) Of the interior life. 70
II.  (2) Of humble submission. 75
III.  (3) Of a good and peaceable man. 76
IV.  (4) Of a pure mind and a simple intention. 79
V.  (5) Of the consideration of one’s self. 80
VI.  (6) Of the joy of a good conscience. 83
VII. (7) Of the love of Jesus above all things. 85
VIII.  (8) Of familiar friendship with Jesus. 87
IX.  (9) Of the lack of all comfort. 91
X.  (10) Of gratitude for the grace of God. 95
XI.  (11) That the lovers of the cross of Jesus are few. 99
XII.  (12) Of the royal road of the holy cross. 102
I.  (1) With how great reverence Christ ought to be received. 112
II.  (2) That the great goodness and love of God is shown to man in this sacrament. 120
III.  (3) That it is profitable to communicate often. 124
IV.  (4) That many benefits are bestowed upon those that communicate devoutly. 128
V.  (5) Of the dignity of this sacrament, and of the priestly state. 132
VI.  (6) A petition concerning the exercises before communion. 135
VII.  (7) Of the examination of conscience, and of a resolution of amendment. 136
VIII.  (8) Of the oblation of Christ on the cross, and of self-resignation. 368
IX.  (9) That we ought to offer ourselves and all that is ours to God and pray for all. 141
X.  (10) That holy communion is not lightly to be postponed. 144
XI.  (11) That the body of Christ and the Holy Scriptures are most necessary to a faithful soul. 149
XII.  (12) That lie who is about to communicate ought to prepare himself for Christ with great diligence. 154
XIII.  (13) That the devout soul ought fervently to seek union with Christ in this sacrament. 157
XIV.  (14) Of the fervent desire of some devout persons to receive the body of Christ. 160
XV.  (15) That the grace of devotion is obtained by humility and self-denial. 162
XVI.  (16) That we ought to lay open our necessities to Christ and crave His grace. 165
XVII.  (17) Of fervent love and vehement desire to receive Christ. 167
XVIII.  (18) That a man be not a curious searcher into this sacrament, but a humble follower of Christ, submitting senses to faith. 170
I.  (1) Of the interior speech of Christ to the faithful soul. 174
II.  (2) That the truth speaketh within us without noise of words. 176
III.  (3) That the words of God are to be heard with humility, and that many weigh them not. 178
IV.  (4) That we ought to walk in truth and humility before God. 182
V.  (5) Of the wonderful effects of divine love. 185
VI.  (6) Of the proof of a true lover. 189
VII.  (7) That grace is to be guarded by humility. 193
VIII.  (8) Of a lowly opinion of ourselves in the sight of God. 197
IX.  (9) That all things are to be referred to God, as to their last end. 199
X.  (10) That to despise the world and serve God is sweet. 201
XI.  (11) That the desires of the heart are to be examined and moderated. 204
XII.  (12) Of learning to be patient and to strive against concupiscence. 206
XIII.  (13) Of humble obedience after the example of Jesus Christ. 209
XIV.  (14) Of considering the secret judgments of God lest we take pride in our good deeds. 211
XV.  (15) In every thing which we desire, how we ought to feel, and what we ought to say. 213
XVI.  (16) That true comfort is to be sought in God alone. 216
XVII.  (17) That all our cares are to be rested on God. 218
XVIII.  (18) That temporal sufferings must be borne patiently, after the example of Christ. 220
XIX.  (19) Of the endurance of injuries, and the proof of true patience. 222
XX.  (20) Of admitting our infirmities, and of the sufferings of this life. 225
XXI.  (21) That we are to rest in (3-od above all his gifts and benefits. 228
XXII.  (22) Of the remembrance of God’s manifold benefits. 232
XXIII.  (23) Of four things that bring great interior peace. 235
XXIV.  (24) Of avoiding curious inquiry into the lives of others. 239
XXV.  (25) In what consist peace of heart and true spiritual progress. 240
XXVI.  (26) Of the excellency of a free mind, which is sooner gained by humble prayer than by study. 242
XXVII.  (27) That it is self-love which most withholdeth from the sovereign good. 245
XXVIII.  (28) Against the tongues of detractors. 247
XXIX.  (29) That we ought to call upon God and bless Him, when tribulation is upon us. 249
XXX.  (30) Of asking the divine aid, and confidence in recovering grace. 250
XXXI.  (31) Of ignoring of creatures, as a means of finding the Creator. 254
XXXII.  (32) Of self-denial, and renunciation. 257
XXXIII.  (33) Of inconstancy of heart, and of directing our final intention to God. 259
XXXIV.  (34) That to him that loveth God is sweet above all things, and in all things. 261
XXXV.  (35) That there is no security from temptation in this life. 263
XXXVI.  (36) Against the vain judgments of men. 266
XXXVII.  (37) Of pure and entire resignation to obtain freedom of heart. 268
XXXVIII.  (38) Of good government of ourselves in outward things and of recourse to God in dangers. 270
XXXIX.  (39) That a man should not be immersed in business. 272
XL.  (40) That man hath no good in himself nor anything wherein to glory. 273
XLI.  (41) Of the contempt of all temporal honor. 276
XLII.  (42) That our peace is not to be placed on men. 277
XLIII.  (43) Against vain and worldly learning. 279
XLIV.  (44) Of not troubling ourselves with outward things. 281
XLV.  (45) That credit is not to be given to men, for all are prone to offend in words. 282
XLVI.  (46) Of putting our trust in God when evil words arise. 286
XLVII.  (47) That all grievous things are to be endured for the sake of everlasting life. 289
XLVIII.  (48) Of the day of eternity, and of the miseries of this life. 292
XLIX.  (49) Of the desire of everlasting life, and what great rewards are promised to those that strive resolutely. 296
L.  (50) How a desolate man ought to put himself in the hands of God. 301
LI.  (51) That we must give ourselves to humble works when we are unequal to those that are lofty. 306
LII.  (52) That a man ought not to account himself worthy of consolation but deserving of chastisement. 308
LIII.  (53) That the grace of God is not given to the earthly minded. 310
LIV.  (54) Of the different motions of nature and grace. 313
LV.  (55) Of the corruption of nature and the efficacy of divine grace. 318
LVI.  (56) That we ought to deny ourselves and imitate Christ crucified. 322
LVII.  (57) That a man should not be too much dejected, even when he falleth into some defects. 326
LVIII.  (58) That high matters and God’s secret judgments are not to be inquired into. 328
LIX.  (59) That all our hope and confidence are to be fixed in God alone. 335

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