The Admirable Heart Of Mary by St. John Eudes

General Preface v
Forward xvii
Epistle Dedicatory xix
Object of the Devotion to the
Admirable Heart of Mary
I. Reasons for the Name “Admirable” 3
II. The Heart of Mary in General 8
III. The Corporeal Heart of Mary 13
First Foundation of the Devotion:
The Heart of God the Father
Six Symbolic Pictures
I. God the Father, Delineator of the Admirable Heart of Mary 31
II. Mary’s Heart, the Heavens 34
III. Mary’s Heart, the Sun 38
IV. Mary’s Heart, the Center of the Earth 42
V. Mary’s Heart, the Inexhaustible Fountain 47
VI. Mary’s Heart, the Sea 55
VII. Mary’s Heart, the Garden of Eden 60
Six Additional Symbolic Pictures
I. Mary’s Heart, the Burning Bush of Moses 71
II. Mary’s Heart, the Harp of King David 75
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III. Mary’s Heart, the Throne of King Solomon 79
IV. Mary’s Heart, the Temple of Jerusalem 84
V. Mary’s Heart, the Fiery Furnace of Babylon 92
VI. Mary’s Heart, the Hill of Calvary 99
Second Foundation of the Devotion:
The Heart of God the Son
Divine Perfections Mirrored in the
Admirable Heart of Mary
I. Our Lord Jesus Christ, Teacher of the Devotion to the Ad­mirable Heart of Mary 105
II. Some Essential Divine Perfections Mirrored in the Admirable Heart of Mary 112
III. Purity and Sanctity of God Mirrored in the Admirable Heart of Mary 117
IV. Strength and Power of God Mirrored in the Admirable Heart of Mary 119
V. Wisdom and Truth of God Mirrored in the Admirable Heart of Mary 122
VI. Goodness and Providence of God Mirrored in the Admirable Heart of Mary 125
Further Divine Perfections Mirrored in the
Admirable Heart of Mary
I. Mercy of God Mirrored in the Admirable Heart of Mary 133
II. Meekness, Patience and Clemency of God Mirrored in the Admirable Heart of Mary 138
III. Justice of God Mirrored in the Admirable Heart of Mary 144
IV. Zeal of God Mirrored in the Admirable Heart of Mary 147
V. Divine Sovereignty Mirrored in the Admirable Heart of Mary 151
VI. Peace of God Mirrored in the Admirable Heart of Mary 156
VlI. Glory and Felicity of God Mirrored in the Admirable Heart of Mary 159
VIII. The Admirable Heart of Mary: Compendium of the Life of God 162
Third Foundation of the Devotion:
The Heart of God The Holy Ghost
Inspired Scriptural Texts Referring to the
Admirable Heart of Mary
I. “All the glory of the king’s daughter is within” 167
II. “A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me” 171
III. “I sleep, and my heart watcheth” 174
IV. “My beloved to me and I to him” 177
V. “Put me as a seal upon thy heart” 182
VI. “Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart” 185
Inspired Catholic Tradition Concerning the
Admirable Heart of Mary
I. Testimony of the Fathers and Ascetical Writers 193
II. Ecclesiastical Approbations 202
III. Example of Saints and Religious Orders 202
Fourth Foundation of the Devotion:
Sanctity of the Admirable Heart of Mary,
Exposition of Its Excellence
I. Heart of Mary, Immaculate and Sinless 213
II. Heart of Mary, Ocean of Grace 217
III. Heart of Mary, Miracle of Love 222
IV. Heart of Mary, Mirror of Charity 226
V. Heart of Mary, Abyss of Humility 231
VI. Heart of Mary, Empire of the Divine Will 236
VII. Heart of Mary, Treasure-House of Gratuitous Graces 240
VIII. Heart of Mary, Inestimable Treasure of Riches 245
IX. Heart of Mary, Sanctuary, Censer and Altar of Divine Love 249
X. Heart of Mary, Center of the Cross and Crown of Martyrs, Doctors and Virgins 254
XI. Heart of Mary, World of Wonders 245
Practice of the Devotion to the
Admirable Heart of Mary
I. Twelve Reasons for Honoring the Heart of Mary 263
II. Twelve Methods of Practising this Devotion 266
The Canticle of the
Admirable Heart of Mary
Exposition of the “Magnificat,”
Treating of Its
Significance Verse by Verse
I. Excellence of this Sublime Canticle 275
II. The True Canticle of Mary’s Heart 277
III. “My Soul do~ magnify the Lord” 279
IV. “My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour” 283
V. “He hath regarded the humility of his handmaid” 288
VI. “Henceforth all generations shall call me blessed” 291
VII. “He that is mighty hath done great things unto me: and holy is His name” 295
VIII. “His mercy is from generation unto generation, to them that fear him” 301
IX. “He hath showed might in his arm” 306
X. “He hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart” 309
XI. “He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble” 313
XII. “He hath filled the hungry with good things and the rich he hath sent empty away” 316
XIII. “He hath received Israel His servant” 321
XIV. “As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed for ever” 326
Mass and Office of the Admirable Heart of Mary
Mass of the Admirable Heart of Mary 333
Office of the Admirable Heart of Mary 338
Prayers in Honor of the Admirable Heart of Mary
Litany in Honor of the Most Holy Heart of Mary 355
Salutation to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary 358
Salutation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 359
Rosary of the Admirable Heart of Mary 361
Consecration to the Admirable Heart of Mary 362

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