General Preface l |
1 |
Chapter I. — The History of Advent |
23 |
Chapter II. — The Mystery of Advent |
31 |
Chapter III. — Practice during Advent |
38 |
Chapter IV. — Morning and Night Prayers for Advent |
45 |
Chapter V. — On Hearing Mass during Advent |
62 |
Chapter VI. — On Holy Communion during Advent |
97 |
Chapter VII. — On the Office of Sunday’s Vespers during Advent |
104 |
Chapter VIII. — On the Office of Compline during Advent |
114 |
Proper of the Time |
125 |
The First Sunday of Advent |
127 |
Mass |
130 |
Vespers |
138 |
Monday of the First Week of Advent |
141 |
Tuesday |
144 |
Wednesday |
148 |
Thursday |
153 |
Friday |
157 |
Saturday |
161 |
The Second Sunday of Advent |
165 |
Mass |
169 |
Vespers |
175 |
Monday of the Second Week of Advent |
177 |
Tuesday |
183 |
Wednesday |
188 |
Thursday |
193 |
Friday |
197 |
Saturday |
202 |
The Third Sunday of Advent |
206 |
Mass |
209 |
Vespers |
215 |
Monday of the Third Week of Advent |
217 |
Tuesday |
221 |
Wednesday in Ember Week |
227 |
Thursday |
233 |
Friday in Ember Week |
237 |
Saturday in Ember Week |
240 |
The Fourth Sunday of Advent |
243 |
Mass |
246 |
Vespers |
251 |
Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent |
253 |
Tuesday |
257 |
Wednesday |
261 |
Thursday |
265 |
Friday |
270 |
Proper of the Saints |
277 |
November 30. Saint Andrew, Apostle |
282 |
December 1. |
310 |
December 2. Saint Bibiana, Virgin and Martyr |
318 |
December 3. Saint Francis Xavier, Confessor, Apostle of the Indies |
324 |
December 4. Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church |
333 |
(Same Day.) Saint Barbara, Virgin and Martyr |
341 |
December 5. Commemoration of Saint Sabas, Abbot |
351 |
December 6. Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra and Confessor |
355 |
December 7. Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church |
371 |
December 8. The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin |
393 |
First Vespers |
406 |
Mass |
415 |
Second Vespers |
424 |
December 9. Second day within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception |
431 |
December 10. Third day within the Octave |
435 |
(Same Day.) Saint Melchiades (Miltiades), Pope and Martyr |
441 |
The Translation of the Holy House of Loretto |
443 |
Saint Eulalia, Virgin and Martyr |
448 |
December 11. Saint Damasus, Pope and Confessor |
461 |
December 12. Fifth day within the Octave |
468 |
December 13. Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr |
473 |
(Same Day.) Saint Odilia, Virgin and Abbess |
478 |
December 14. Seventh day within the Octave |
488 |
December 15. Octave of the Immaculate Conception |
492 |
December 16. Saint Eusebius, Bishop of Vercelli and Martyr |
499 |
December 17. The commencement of the Great Antiphons |
508 |
(Same Day.) O Sapientia! |
509 |
December 18. O Adonai! |
512 |
(Same Day.) The Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
513 |
December 19. O Radix Jesse! |
516 |
December 20. O Clavis David! |
518 |
December 21. Saint Thomas, Apostle |
520 |
(Same Day.) O Oriens! |
526 |
December 22. O Rex Gentium! |
528 |
December 23. O Emmanuel! |
530 |
December 24. Christmas Eve |
532 |
December 24. Mass |
538 |