Liturgical Year — Advent

Prior Period Current Period Subsequent Period
Liturgical Year — from the Fourth Sunday After Pentecost to the Last Sunday before Advent Liturgical Year — Advent Liturgical Year — Christmas
Multiple Instances of Some Days are Present in Adjoining Periods
General Preface l 1
Chapter I. — The History of Advent  23
Chapter II. — The Mystery of Advent  31
Chapter III. — Practice during Advent  38
Chapter IV. — Morning and Night Prayers for Advent 45
Chapter V. — On Hearing Mass during Advent  62
Chapter VI. — On Holy Communion during Advent 97
Chapter VII. — On the Office of Sunday’s Vespers during Advent 104
Chapter VIII. — On the Office of Compline during Advent 114
Proper of the Time 125
The First Sunday of Advent  127
Mass 130
Vespers 138
Monday of the First Week of Advent 141
Tuesday 144
Wednesday 148
Thursday 153
Friday 157
Saturday 161
The Second Sunday of Advent  165
Mass 169
Vespers 175
Monday of the Second Week of Advent 177
Tuesday 183
Wednesday 188
Thursday 193
Friday 197
Saturday 202
The Third Sunday of Advent  206
Mass 209
Vespers 215
Monday of the Third Week of Advent 217
Tuesday 221
Wednesday in Ember Week   227
Thursday 233
Friday in Ember Week  237
Saturday in Ember Week 240
The Fourth Sunday of Advent  243
Mass 246
Vespers 251
Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent 253
Tuesday 257
Wednesday 261
Thursday 265
Friday 270
Proper of the Saints 277
November 30. Saint Andrew, Apostle  282
December 1. 310
December 2. Saint Bibiana, Virgin and Martyr 318
December 3. Saint Francis Xavier, Confessor, Apostle of the Indies  324
December 4. Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church  333
(Same Day.) Saint Barbara, Virgin and Martyr 341
December 5. Commemoration of Saint Sabas, Abbot 351
December 6. Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra and Confessor 355
December 7. Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church  371
December 8. The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin  393
First Vespers 406
Mass 415
Second Vespers  424
December 9. Second day within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception  431
December 10. Third day within the Octave  435
(Same Day.) Saint Melchiades (Miltiades), Pope and Martyr 441
The Translation of the Holy House of Loretto 443
Saint Eulalia, Virgin and Martyr 448
December 11. Saint Damasus, Pope and Confessor 461
December 12. Fifth day within the Octave  468
December 13. Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr  473
(Same Day.) Saint Odilia, Virgin and Abbess 478
December 14. Seventh day within the Octave  488
December 15. Octave of the Immaculate Conception 492
December 16. Saint Eusebius, Bishop of Vercelli and Martyr 499
December 17. The commencement of the Great Antiphons 508
(Same Day.) O Sapientia! 509
December 18. O Adonai 512
(Same Day.) The Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 513
December 19. O Radix Jesse! 516
December 20. O Clavis David! 518
December 21. Saint Thomas, Apostle 520
(Same Day.) O Oriens! 526
December 22. O Rex Gentium! 528
December 23. O Emmanuel! 530
December 24. Christmas Eve 532
December 24. Mass 538

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