Introduction |
xi |
Prologue |
xv |
Of the Dignity and the Woe of Man’s Estate. |
1. Our creation to the Image and Likeness of God |
1 |
2. To praise God eternally the end of our creation |
4 |
3. Wherever we are, we live, move, and are in Him; whilst also we have Him within us |
6 |
4. All of us who have been baptized in Christ have put on Christ |
10 |
5. We are the body of Christ |
11 |
6. In Christ we are one, and are with Him one Christ |
12 |
7. A consideration of our sins, for the which our conscience does the more sting us, and by which we have forfeited all these blessings |
16 |
8. A review of our Lord’s Incarnation, by means of which we have recovered all these losses |
19 |
9. The duty of praying to be drawn out of the pit of misery and the mire of dregs |
24 |
10. A consideration of the miseries of the present life |
27 |
11. Of the body after the soul’s departure |
30 |
12. Of the soul after her separation from the body |
32 |
13. A consideration of the day of judgment, when the goats shall be set on the left hand |
33 |
14. A consideration of the joy when the sheep shall he set on the right hand |
34 |
Of the Awful Judgment: For Awakening Fear in Oneself. |
15. The sinner’s fear |
36 |
16. The sinner’s hope |
42 |
A Bemoaning of Virginity Sadly Lost. |
17. The sinner’s past |
44 |
18. The sinner’s future |
48 |
Teaching the Sinner to Bestir Himself for the Amendment of His Sins. |
19. The necessity and the benefit of careful self-examination |
53 |
20. The goodness of God, and the malignity of the Devil |
56 |
21. The compassion of Jesus |
58 |
22. On the life of soul and of flesh |
62 |
23. And of the glory of the good soul |
64 |
24. And the misery of the wicked soul, on their departure from the body |
65 |
Designed to Brace the Heart against Despair, forasmuch as We Shall Without Doubt Find True Mercy for All Our Sins if We Do True Penance. |
25. The condition of the sinner |
69 |
26. The Divine mercy before the Incarnation |
70 |
27. The Divine mercy in the Incarnation |
72 |
28. The sinner’s contemplation of himself |
75 |
29. The sinner’s prayer to Jesus Christ |
77 |
80. Of the changefulness of all that is in the world |
81 |
31. Of the manifold blessings of Almighty God |
82 |
32. Here the sinner chides himself for his ingratitude |
83 |
33. An acknowledgment of sin |
85 |
34. The sinner’s review of himself |
87 |
35. The sinner’s cry to God |
89 |
The Penitent’s Address to God his Father. |
36. A prayer for mercy and help |
93 |
37. The penitent’s hope in the Divine mercy |
97 |
Of the Humanity of Christ. |
38. The glories and the condescension of our Lord Jesus Christ |
101 |
39. The Nativity of Christ, and its sanctification of poverty |
104 |
40. The hidden life and ministry of our Lord |
106 |
41. The meekness and humility of Christ |
109 |
42. The agony and the betrayal |
111 |
43. The condemnation and the crucifixion |
114 |
44. The humiliations of the Passion |
117 |
45. The glories of the Passion |
119 |
46. Joseph in Egypt a type of Christ |
120 |
47. Love our only possible return to Christ for His sufferings |
122 |
48. The likeness of His Death and of His Resurrection |
124 |
49. Aspiration and prayer |
130 |
50. Of the Passion of Christ |
133 |
Of the Redemption of Mankind. |
51. Cur Deus Homo |
136 |
52. Thanksgiving for the liberation of mankind |
145 |
53. Man’s past condition and present privilege |
147 |
54. The soul’s surrender of itself to God |
150 |
Of the Humanity of Christ. |
55. The Mystery of the Incarnation |
152 |
56. Hope inspired by the thought of the Incarnation |
153 |
57. Joy inspired by the thought of the Incarnation |
155 |
58. Love inspired by the thought of the Incarnation |
157 |
59. Jesus the Salvation of sinners |
160 |
Of Christ. |
60. The Son of God, archetypal Beauty |
163 |
61. The nine Choirs of Angels |
166 |
62. The desires of the soul aspiring to God |
170 |
63. The Saints in heaven |
174 |
64. The joys of Mary, Queen of Heaven, and Mother of God |
176 |
65. The loving aspirations of the soul to Jesus |
177 |
66. Of the wonderful Being of God |
181 |
67. Of the science of God, and the inadequacy of human speech to utter it |
184 |
68. Of the desire of a bouI thirsting after God |
185 |
69. Of the misery of a soul that loves not and that seeks not our Lord Jesus Christ |
187 |
70. Of the desire of the soul |
189 |
71. Of the happiness of the soul set free from her earthly prison |
190 |
72. Of the joy of Paradise |
192 |
73. Of the kingdom of heaven |
193 |
74. God comforts the sorrowing soul after her great griefs |
195 |
Of the Memory of Past Benefits from Christ, of the Experience of Present Benefits, and of the Hope of Future. |
75. On the subjects of meditation |
197 |
76. The Annunciation |
199 |
77. The Visitation, Nativity, and Adoration of the Kings |
200 |
78. The flight into Egypt |
202 |
79. The early life, baptism, fasting, and ministry of our Lord |
203 |
80. Out Lord’s works of mercy |
205 |
81. Bethany and the Caenaculum |
207 |
82. Gethsemane and the high-priest’s palace |
211 |
83. The Praetorium |
213 |
84. The Crucifixion |
214 |
85. The Entombment and Resurrection |
217 |
Of Present Benefits from God. |
86. The writer’s review of his past life, and exhortation to his sister |
221 |
Of Future Benefits from God. |
87. Death and its immediate sequel |
228 |
88. The Day of Judgment: the right hand and the left |
231 |
89. The joys of Heaven, and the joy of joys |
234 |
Thanksgiving for the Benefits of the Divine Mercy, And Prayer for the Divine Assistance. |
90. Thanksgiving for past blessings, and prayer for future |
238 |
91. The same subject |
245 |
Of the Sweetness of the Divine Majesty, and of Many other Things. |
92. Wonder at the unspeakable goodness of God the Creator, and the deep misery of man the creature |
252 |
93. The degree to which man may be loved by man, and the reason why God should be more loved than any human being |
254 |
94. God made all things good, but He alone is Good essentially |
256 |
95. The praise of the Creator by the whole creation |
258 |
96. The resemblance of man to his Creator |
259 |
97. Man is composed of two parts ; by the one of which he is raised to highest things, and by the other dragged down to lowest |
261 |
98. Here man prays God not to allow him to make ill use of his free power of choice |
262 |
99. Complaint of the soul banished from God |
266 |
100. The soul’s absence from God |
269 |
101. Complaint of the soul banished from God |
273 |
102. The soul’s return to God |
275 |
The Soul of Man Urged to Seek and to Find its God. |
103. The mind aroused to the contemplation of God |
281 |
104. The inapproachable dwelling-place of God |
286 |
105. The goodness of God, the creative Life |
288 |
106. The fulness of joy |
292 |