The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus de Liguori

Explanation of the Salve Regina.
Chapter I. Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy. 17
I. How great should be our Confidence in Mary, who is the Queen of Mercy. 17
Example. 23
Prayer. 23
II. How much our Confidence in Mary should be Increased, because she is our Mother. 24
Example. 28
Prayer. 29
III. The Greatness of the Love which this Mother bears us. 30
Example. 37
Prayer. 38
IV. Mary, our Queen, our Mother. 38
Example. 41
Prayer. 42
Chapter II. Our Life, our Sweetness. 43
I. Mary is our Life, because she obtains for us the Pardon of our Sins. 43
Example. 47
Prayer. 48
II. Mary is also our Life, because she obtains for us Perseverance. 49
Example. 54
Prayer. 54
III. Mary our Sweetness; she renders Death Sweet to her Clients. 55
Example. 58
Prayer. 59
Chapter III. Mary, our Hope. 60
I. Mary is the Hope of All. 60
Example. 66
Prayer. 67
II. Mary is the Hope of Sinners. 67
Example. 72
Prayer. 73
Chapter IV. To Thee do we cry, poor banished Children of Eve. 74
I. The Promptitude of Mary in Assisting those who Invoke her. 74
Example. 78
Prayer. 79
II. The Greatness of the Power of Mary to Defend those who Invoke her when tempted by the Devil. 80
Example. 83
Prayer. 84
Chapter V. To Thee do we Sigh, Mourning and Weeping, in this Valley of Tears. 85
I. The Necessity of the Intercession of Mary for our Salvation. 85
Example. 98
Prayer of St. Peter Damian. 99
II. The Same Subject Continued. 100
Example. 104
Prayer. 105
Chapter VI. O Gracious Advocate. 106
I. Mary is an Advocate who is able to Save all. 106
Example. 114
Prayer of St. Ephrem. 115
II. Mary is so tender an Advocate that she does not Refuse to Defend the Cause even of the Most Miserable. 116
Example. 120
Prayer of William, Bishop of Paris. 121
III. Mary is the Peacemaker between Sinners and God. 121
Example. 124
Prayer. 125
Chapter VII. Turn, then, Thine Eyes of Mercy towards us. 126
Mary is all Eyes to Pity and Succor us in our Necessities. 126
Example. 129
Prayer of St. Anselm. 130
Chapter VIII. And after this our Exile show unto us the Blessed Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus. 132
I. Mary delivers her Clients from Hell. 132
Example. 136
Prayer of St. Bernard. 137
II. Mary leads her Servants to Heaven. 137
Example. 142
Prayer. 143
Chapter IX. O Merciful, O Pious. 144
How great are the Clemency and Compassion of Mary. 144
Example. 147
Prayer. 148
Chapter X. O sweet Virgin Mary. 150
The Sweetness of the Name of Mary during Life and at Death. 150
Example. 156
Prayer. 158
The Virtues of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. 159
I. The Humility of Mary. 160
II. Mary’s Charity towards God. 164
III. Mary’s Charity towards her Neighbor. 167
IV. Mary’s Faith. 169
V. Mary’s Hope. 173
VI. Mary’s Chastity. 175
VII. Mary’s Poverty. 179
VIII. Mary’s Obedience. 181
IX. Mary’s Patience. 183
X. The Spirit of Prayer and Meditation in Mary. 186
Practices of Devotion in Honor of the Divine Mother.
The Hail Mary. 191
Fasting. 194
The Visiting of the Images of Mary. 195
Confraternities of our Blessed Lady. 195
Several other Practices in Honor of Mary. 197
Ejaculatory Prayers. 202
The Little Office and the Litany. 203
Novenas. 203
Meditations on the Litany of Loretto, for a Novena to the Blessed Virgin. 206
Meditation I.:
I. Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis. — “Holy Mary, pray for us.”. 206
II. Sancta Maria. — “Holy Mary.”. 207
III. Sancta Dei Genitrix. — “Holy Mother of God.”. 208
Meditation II.:
I. Mater divinae gratiae. — “Mother of Divine Grace.”. 208
II. Mater purissima. — “Mother most Pure.”. 209
III. Mater inviolata. — “Mother Undefiled.”. 210
Meditation III.:
I. Mater amabilis. — “Mother most Amiable.”. 211
II. Mater salvatoris. — “Mother of our Redeemer.”. 212
III. Virgo veneranda. — “Virgin most Venerable.”. 213
Meditation IV.:
I. Virgi praedicanda. — “Virgin most Renowned.” 213
II. Virgo potens. — “Virgin most Powerful.” 214
III. Virgo clemens. — “Virgin most Merciful.” 215
Meditation V.:
I. Virgo fidelis. — “Virgin most Faithful.” 216
II. Causa nostra laetitiae. — “Cause of our Joy.” 217
III. Vas insigne devotionis. — “Vessel of Singular Devotion.”. 218
Meditation VI.:
I. Domus aurea. — “House of Gold.”. 219
Meditation VII.:
I. Rosa mystica. — “Mystical Rose.”. 220
II. Turris Davidica. — “Tower of David.”. 221
III. Faederis area.— “Ark of the Covenant.”. 222
IV. Janua coeli. — “Gate of Heaven.”. 223
Meditation VIII.:
I. Stella matutina. — “Morning Star.”. 224
II. Salus infirmorum. — “Health of the Weak.”.. 224
III. Refugium peccatorum. — “Refuge of Sin¬ ners”. 225
Meditation IX.:
I. Consolatrix afflictorum. — “Comfortress of the Afflicted.”. 226
II. Auxilium Christianorum. — “Help of Christians.”. 227
III. Regina martyrum. — “Queen of Martyrs.”. 228
The Feasts of Mary and their Appropriate Devotions. 230
Feast of the Immaculate Conception. 230
Historical Explanation. 230
No vena for the Feast. 231
At the beginning of the Novena. 231
Preparatory Prayer. 232
Meditations. 239
Example. 241
Prayer. 242
Little Chaplet of the Immaculate Conception. 243
Prayer to Obtain Purity. 243
An Act of Faith in the Immaculate Conception. 244
Little Office of the Immaculate Conception. 244
Prayers which may be said after the Office of the Immaculate Conception. 253
The Feast of the Purification. 254
Historical Explanation. 254
Novena for the Feast. 255
Prayers. 255
Meditations. 258
Example. 260
Prayer. 260
The Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 261
Historical Explanation. 261
Novena for the Feast. 263
Considerations. 265
Example. 265
Prayer of St. Athanasius. 266
Little Chaplet in Honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 266
The Feast of the Annunciation. 269
Historical Explanation. 269
Novena for the Feast. 270
Meditation. 273
Example. 275
Prayer. 276
The Feast of the Seven Dolors. 277
Historical Explanation. 277
Meditations on the Seven Dolors:
I. St. Simeon’s Prophecy. 277
Example. 280
Prayer. 281
II. The Flight into Egypt. 282
Example. 285
Prayer. 286
III. The. Loss of Jesus in the Temple. 286
Example. 289
Prayer. 289
IV. The Meeting of Mary with Jesus when He was going to Death. 290
Example. 293
Prayer. 293
V. The Death of Jesus. 294
Example. 296
Prayer. 297
VI. The Piercing of the Side of Jesus, and His Descent from the Cross. 297
Example. 299
Prayer. 301
VII. The Burial of Jesus. 301
Example. 304
Prayer. 305
Little Rosary in Honor of the Seven Dolors of Mary. 305
Explanation. 305
Stabat Mater. 310
The Feast of the Visitation. 313
Historical Explanation. 313
Novena for the Feast. 314
Meditations. 315
Example. 317
Prayer of St. Jane Frances de Chantal. 318
The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the Scapular. 318
Historical Explanation. 318
Example. 323
Prayer to Obtain a Good Death. 323
Novena for the Feast — a Devotion for those who wear the Brown Scapular. 324
Special Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. 331
The Feast of the Assumption. 332
Historical Explanation. 332
No vena for the Feast. 333
Meditations. 346
Example. 348
A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin. 349
The Feast of the Nativity. 350
Historical Explanation. 350
Novena for the Feast. 351
Meditations. 354
Example. 356
Prayer of the Venerable Louis Blosius. 356
The Rosary and its Feast. 357
Historical Explanation. 357
Example. 362
Prayer of St. Bernard. 363
Confraternity of the Rosary. 364
The Living Rosary. 365
Privileges and Indulgences. 369
Meditations. 370
The Five Joyful Mysteries. 370
The Five Sorrowful Mysteries. 375
The Five Glorious Mysteries. 378
Consecration to Our Lady of the Rosary. 381
Easy and Short Method of Saying the Rosary. 383
The Feast of the Presentation. 384
Historical Explanation. 384
Novena for the Feast. 385
Meditations. 387
Example. 389
Prayer. 389
Devotions for the Month of May. 390
Introduction. 390
The Manner in which we should Practise the May Devotions. 392
First Day: Prayer of St. Augustine. 393
On the Means of Perfection. 394
Prayer of St. Alphonsus Liguori. 394
Second Day: On the Love of Pleasure. 396
Third Day: On the Interior Passions. 397
Fourth Day: On Anger. 397
Fifth Day: On the Love of Persons. 398
Sixth Day: On Self-will. 399
Seventh Day: On Patience. 400
Eighth Day: On External Mortification. 401
Ninth Day: On Restraining the Tongue. 402
Tenth Day: Love of Possessions. 403
Eleventh Day: On Striving for Spiritual Treasures. 403
Twelfth Day: On Charity towards our Neighbor. 404
Thirteenth Day: On Exterior Charity. 405
Fourteenth Day: Love of Self-esteem. 405
Fifteenth Day: On Humbly Receiving Contempt. 406
Sixteenth Day: On the Practice of Humility. 407
Seventeenth Day: On True Love of God. 408
Eighteenth Day: On Suffering. 409
Nineteenth Day: Remembrance of God’s Presence. 410
Twentieth Day: On Spiritual Communion. 410
Twenty-first Day: On Holy Communion. 411
Twenty -second Day : On Faith in the Blessed Sacrament. 412
Twenty-third Day: On an Active Love of God. 413
Twenty-fourth Day: On Prayer. 414
Twenty-fifth Day: On the Exclusive Love of God. 415
Twenty-sixth Day: On a Desire for Sanctity. 416
Twenty-seventh Day: On Resolution. 416
Twenty-eighth Day: On Confidence. 417
Twenty-ninth Day: On the Continual Service of God. 418
Thirtieth Day: On a Yearning for Paradise. 419
Thirty-first Day: On a Happy Death. 420
Various Prayers to Mary. 421
Dedication of One’s Self to Mary. 421
Offering of a Family to Mary. 422
The Memorare. 423
Prayers for Every Day in the Week. 423
Sunday: To Obtain the Forgiveness of our Sins. 424
Monday: To Obtain Holy Perseverance. 425
Tuesday: To Obtain a Good Death. 426
Wednesday : To Obtain Deliverance from Hell. 427
Thursday: To Obtain Heaven. 429
Friday: To Obtain Love towards her and Jesus Christ. 430
Saturday: To Obtain her Patronage. 431
General Prayers.
Morning Prayers:
An Act of Adoration. 433
An Act of Faith. 434
An Act of Hope. 434
An Act of Charity. 434
The Lord’s Prayer. 434
The Angelical Salutation. 435
The Apostles’ Creed. 435
The Confiteor. 435
Offering to the Blessed Virgin. 436
The Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. 437
Prayers during the Day:
The Angelus. 440
The Regina Cceli. 441
Evening Prayers:
Examination of Conscience. 443
Firm Purpose of Amendment. 444
The Litany of the Blessed Virgin. 444
De Profundis. 448
Prayer for Protection during the Night. 449
Devout Method of Hearing Mass in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 450
Method of Hearing Mass (St. Leonard of Port Maurice). 470
Mass for the Dead. 475
Hymn: Dies Irae. 478
Prayers for Confession. 492
Before Confession. 492
After Confession. 494
Acts Before and After Communion. 495
Before Communion. 495
After Communion. 500
Anima Christi. 505
Vespers of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 506
The Stations or Way of the Cross. 514