Manual of Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament (1897)

Manual of Adoration of
the Most Blessed Sacrament.

By a Beneditctine, Conception, Mo.

Permissu Superioum.

St. Louis, MO.
Published by B. Herder
17 South Broadway

Frowinus, Abbas Neo-Angelo-Montanus.
Bishop of St. Joseph.
Copyright 1897, By Jos. Gummersbach. All rights reserved

Table of Contents
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Topical Index of Seasons and Feasts
Prayer Before the Holy Hour XI
Prayer After the Holy Hour XII
Commemorations of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph XIII
Advent 1
Christmas-Tide 24
Holy Name of Jesus 44
The Holy Season of Lent 64
Penance 64
Passion of Christ 89
The Cross and the holy Wounds of Christ 111
Eucharistic Way of the Cross 133
Easter-Tide 160
Rogation-Days 178
Ascension of Our Lord. 204
Whitsunday 220
Trinity Sunday 242
Corpus Christi 267
The Institution and Nature of the Most Blessed Sacrament 267
Lessons taught by Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament 290
Various Prayers to the Most Blessed Sacrament 310
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 328
Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary 349
The Prerogatives of the Blessed Virgin 349
Various Prayers to the Blessed Virgin 370
In honor of the Sorrowful Mother 395
Feasts of St. Joseph 418
Feasts of the holy Angels 446
Feasts of the Saints 472
The Poor Souls 492
Preparation for Death 516
Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus 57
Litany of the Passion of Christ 104
Litany of the Holy Wounds of Christ 126
Litany of the Saints 192
Litany of the Holy Ghost 235
Litany of the Blessed Trinity 260
Litany of the Blessed Sacrament 285
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 342
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Mary 365
Litany of Our Lady of Sorrows 412
Litany of St. Joseph 438
Litany of the Holy Angels 464
Litany of the Faithful Departed 510
Litany for a happy Death 537
Daily Prayers 547
Morning Prayers 547
The Angelus 550
Meal Prayers 551
Short Indulgenced Prayers 552
Evening Prayers 555
Mass Prayers 559
The Asperges 559
The Ordinary of Mass 560
Other Prayers for Mass 586
Method of Assisting at Holy Mass, by St. Leonard of Portu Mauritio 601
Prayers for Confession 607
Prayers for Holy Communion 619
Alphabetical Index of Seasons and Feasts
The numbers placed after the feast indicate the page on which the Hour-Prayers, suitable for the Festival, can be found.
Advent 1
Angels, feasts of the holy 446
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin 349
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin 370
Apostles, feasts of the holy 472
Ascension of Our Lord 204
Ash-Wednesday 67
Ash-Wednesday 89
Ash-Wednesday 516
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin 370
Blessed Virgin Mary, feasts of the 349
Blessed Virgin Mary, feasts of the 370
Blood of Christ, feast of the Precious 111
Blood of Christ, feast of the Precious 133
Blood of Christ, feast of the Precious 89
Christmas 24
Christmas-Tide 24
Christmas-Tide 44
Circumcision of our Lord 44
Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 349
Corpus Christi 267
Corpus Christi 290
Corpus Christi 310
Cross, feasts of the holy 111
Cross, feasts of the holy 133
Crown of Thorns of Our Lord, feast of the holy 89
Crown of Thorns of Our Lord, feast of the holy 111
Crown of Thorns of Our Lord, feast of the holy 133
Easter-Sunday 160
Easter-Tide 160
Ember-Days 64
Ember-Days 516
Epiphany of Our Lord 24
Epiphany of Our Lord 44
Exaltation of the holy Cross 111
Exaltation of the holy Cross 133
Finding of the holy Cross 111
Finding of the holy Cross 133
First Friday of the month 328
Good Friday 111
Good Friday 133
Good Friday 89
Guardian Angels, feast of the holy 446
Heart of Jesus, feast of the Sacred 328
Heart of Mary, feast of the Sacred 349
Heart of Mary, feast of the Sacred 370
Help of Christians, feast of Mary 370
Holy Ghost, in honor of the 220
Holy Thursday 133
Holy Thursday 267
Holy Saturday 111
Holy Saturday 133
Holy Week 89
Holy Week 111
Holy Week 133
Holy Wounds of Christ, feast of the 89
Holy Wounds of Christ, feast of the 111
Jesus, Holy Name of 44
Jesus, Sacred Heart of 328
Immaculate Conception of the B. V. M 349
Joseph, feasts of Saint 418
Lance and Nails of Our Lord 89
Lance and Nails of Our Lord 111
Lent, the holy Season of 64
Lent, the holy Season of 89
Lent, the holy Season of 133
Lent, the holy Season of 516
Mark, the feast of St 472
Rogation Day 198
Mary, the Blessed Virgin, feasts of 349
Mary, the Blessed Virgin, feasts of 370
Mount Carmel, feast of Our Lady of 370
Name of Jesus 44
Name of the Blessed Virgin 349
Name of the Blessed Virgin 370
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin 349
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin 370
New Year’s Day 24
New Year’s Day 44
Octave of any festival, same as on the feast.
Palm Sunday 64
Palm Sunday 89
Palm Sunday 111
Palm Sunday 133
Passion of Christ 89
Passion of Christ 111
Passion of Christ 133
Patronage of the Blessed Virgin 370
Patronage of St. Joseph 418
Pentecost Sunday 320
Precious Blood of Christ 89
Precious Blood of Christ 111
Precious Blood of Christ 133
Presentation of the B. V. M 349
Presentation of the B. V. M 370
Poor Souls 492
Rogation-Days 198
Rosary of the B. V. M., feast of the holy 370
Saints, feast of any or all 472
St. Andrew, Ap 472
St. Anna, Wid 472
St. Barnabas, Ap 472
St. Bartholomew, Ap. 472
St. Benedict, Abb 472
St. Dominic, Conf 472
St. Francis, Conf 472
St. Gabriel, Arch. 446
St. Gregory the Great, P. D 472
St. James, Ap, 472
St. Joachim, Conf 472
St John, Ap, 472
St. John Bapt 472
St. Joseph 418
St. Lawrence, M 472
SS. Simon and Jude, Ap 472
St. Luke, Ev 472
St. Martin, B 472
St. Matthew, Ap 472
St. Matthias, Ap 472
St. Michael, Arch 446
St. Paul, Ap 472
SS. Peter and Paul, Ap 472
SS. Philip and James, Ap 472
St. Raphael, Arch 446
St. Stephen, M 472
Seven Dolors B. V. M 395
Sacred Heart Friday 328
Sacred Heart of Jesus 328
Transfiguration of Christ 310
Trinity Sunday 242
Visitation B. V. M 370
Whit-Sunday 220

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Appendix to Enthronement of the Sacred Heart

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Night Adoration in the Home, by Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.

21 Holy Hours by Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.

Jesus, King of Love, by Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.

The Holy Hour by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Devotions for Holy Hour (in the Church or Chapel, with the Blessed Sacrament Exposed)

Prayer Books of Fr. Lasance

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