Topical Index of Seasons and Feasts |
Prayer Before the Holy Hour |
XI |
Prayer After the Holy Hour |
Commemorations of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph |
Advent |
1 |
Christmas-Tide |
24 |
Holy Name of Jesus |
44 |
The Holy Season of Lent |
64 |
Penance |
64 |
Passion of Christ |
89 |
The Cross and the holy Wounds of Christ |
111 |
Eucharistic Way of the Cross |
133 |
Easter-Tide |
160 |
Rogation-Days |
178 |
Ascension of Our Lord. |
204 |
Whitsunday |
220 |
Trinity Sunday |
242 |
Corpus Christi |
267 |
The Institution and Nature of the Most Blessed Sacrament |
267 |
Lessons taught by Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament |
290 |
Various Prayers to the Most Blessed Sacrament |
310 |
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
328 |
Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
349 |
The Prerogatives of the Blessed Virgin |
349 |
Various Prayers to the Blessed Virgin |
370 |
In honor of the Sorrowful Mother |
395 |
Feasts of St. Joseph |
418 |
Feasts of the holy Angels |
446 |
Feasts of the Saints |
472 |
The Poor Souls |
492 |
Preparation for Death |
516 |
Litanies |
Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus |
57 |
Litany of the Passion of Christ |
104 |
Litany of the Holy Wounds of Christ |
126 |
Litany of the Saints |
192 |
Litany of the Holy Ghost |
235 |
Litany of the Blessed Trinity |
260 |
Litany of the Blessed Sacrament |
285 |
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
342 |
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Mary |
365 |
Litany of Our Lady of Sorrows |
412 |
Litany of St. Joseph |
438 |
Litany of the Holy Angels |
464 |
Litany of the Faithful Departed |
510 |
Litany for a happy Death |
537 |
Appendix |
Daily Prayers |
547 |
Morning Prayers |
547 |
The Angelus |
550 |
Meal Prayers |
551 |
Short Indulgenced Prayers |
552 |
Evening Prayers |
555 |
Mass Prayers |
559 |
The Asperges |
559 |
The Ordinary of Mass |
560 |
Other Prayers for Mass |
586 |
Method of Assisting at Holy Mass, by St. Leonard of Portu Mauritio |
601 |
Prayers for Confession |
607 |
Prayers for Holy Communion |
619 |
Alphabetical Index of Seasons and Feasts |
The numbers placed after the feast indicate the page on which the Hour-Prayers, suitable for the Festival, can be found. |
Advent |
1 |
Angels, feasts of the holy |
446 |
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin |
349 |
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin |
370 |
Apostles, feasts of the holy |
472 |
Ascension of Our Lord |
204 |
Ash-Wednesday |
67 |
Ash-Wednesday |
89 |
Ash-Wednesday |
516 |
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin |
370 |
Blessed Virgin Mary, feasts of the |
349 |
Blessed Virgin Mary, feasts of the |
370 |
Blood of Christ, feast of the Precious |
111 |
Blood of Christ, feast of the Precious |
133 |
Blood of Christ, feast of the Precious |
89 |
Christmas |
24 |
Christmas-Tide |
24 |
Christmas-Tide |
44 |
Circumcision of our Lord |
44 |
Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
349 |
Corpus Christi |
267 |
Corpus Christi |
290 |
Corpus Christi |
310 |
Cross, feasts of the holy |
111 |
Cross, feasts of the holy |
133 |
Crown of Thorns of Our Lord, feast of the holy |
89 |
Crown of Thorns of Our Lord, feast of the holy |
111 |
Crown of Thorns of Our Lord, feast of the holy |
133 |
Easter-Sunday |
160 |
Easter-Tide |
160 |
Ember-Days |
64 |
Ember-Days |
516 |
Epiphany of Our Lord |
24 |
Epiphany of Our Lord |
44 |
Exaltation of the holy Cross |
111 |
Exaltation of the holy Cross |
133 |
Finding of the holy Cross |
111 |
Finding of the holy Cross |
133 |
First Friday of the month |
328 |
Good Friday |
111 |
Good Friday |
133 |
Good Friday |
89 |
Guardian Angels, feast of the holy |
446 |
Heart of Jesus, feast of the Sacred |
328 |
Heart of Mary, feast of the Sacred |
349 |
Heart of Mary, feast of the Sacred |
370 |
Help of Christians, feast of Mary |
370 |
Holy Ghost, in honor of the |
220 |
Holy Thursday |
133 |
Holy Thursday |
267 |
Holy Saturday |
111 |
Holy Saturday |
133 |
Holy Week |
89 |
Holy Week |
111 |
Holy Week |
133 |
Holy Wounds of Christ, feast of the |
89 |
Holy Wounds of Christ, feast of the |
111 |
Jesus, Holy Name of |
44 |
Jesus, Sacred Heart of |
328 |
Immaculate Conception of the B. V. M |
349 |
Joseph, feasts of Saint |
418 |
Lance and Nails of Our Lord |
89 |
Lance and Nails of Our Lord |
111 |
Lent, the holy Season of |
64 |
Lent, the holy Season of |
89 |
Lent, the holy Season of |
133 |
Lent, the holy Season of |
516 |
Mark, the feast of St |
472 |
Rogation Day |
198 |
Mary, the Blessed Virgin, feasts of |
349 |
Mary, the Blessed Virgin, feasts of |
370 |
Mount Carmel, feast of Our Lady of |
370 |
Name of Jesus |
44 |
Name of the Blessed Virgin |
349 |
Name of the Blessed Virgin |
370 |
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin |
349 |
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin |
370 |
New Year’s Day |
24 |
New Year’s Day |
44 |
Octave of any festival, same as on the feast. |
Palm Sunday |
64 |
Palm Sunday |
89 |
Palm Sunday |
111 |
Palm Sunday |
133 |
Passion of Christ |
89 |
Passion of Christ |
111 |
Passion of Christ |
133 |
Patronage of the Blessed Virgin |
370 |
Patronage of St. Joseph |
418 |
Pentecost Sunday |
320 |
Precious Blood of Christ |
89 |
Precious Blood of Christ |
111 |
Precious Blood of Christ |
133 |
Presentation of the B. V. M |
349 |
Presentation of the B. V. M |
370 |
Poor Souls |
492 |
Rogation-Days |
198 |
Rosary of the B. V. M., feast of the holy |
370 |
Saints, feast of any or all |
472 |
St. Andrew, Ap |
472 |
St. Anna, Wid |
472 |
St. Barnabas, Ap |
472 |
St. Bartholomew, Ap. |
472 |
St. Benedict, Abb |
472 |
St. Dominic, Conf |
472 |
St. Francis, Conf |
472 |
St. Gabriel, Arch. |
446 |
St. Gregory the Great, P. D |
472 |
St. James, Ap, |
472 |
St. Joachim, Conf |
472 |
St John, Ap, |
472 |
St. John Bapt |
472 |
St. Joseph |
418 |
St. Lawrence, M |
472 |
SS. Simon and Jude, Ap |
472 |
St. Luke, Ev |
472 |
St. Martin, B |
472 |
St. Matthew, Ap |
472 |
St. Matthias, Ap |
472 |
St. Michael, Arch |
446 |
St. Paul, Ap |
472 |
SS. Peter and Paul, Ap |
472 |
SS. Philip and James, Ap |
472 |
St. Raphael, Arch |
446 |
St. Stephen, M |
472 |
Seven Dolors B. V. M |
395 |
Sacred Heart Friday |
328 |
Sacred Heart of Jesus |
328 |
Transfiguration of Christ |
310 |
Trinity Sunday |
242 |
Visitation B. V. M |
370 |
Whit-Sunday |
220 |