Saint Michael the Archangel, Defend Us in Battle

For Michaelmas, September 29
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio — Gregorian Plainchant (Greatest Solemnity)
O Jesu! Life-Spring Of The Soul – Fr. Edward Caswall & Paris Gradual (Solemn)
Thee, O Christ, the Father’s Splendor – (St. Michael the Warrior Primate) (Festive, Triumphant)
Tibi, Christe, splendor Patris — Gregorian Plainchant (Hypodorian/Minor mode II, Festive)

Eia Mater Domini, Quae pacem reddidisti, Angelis et homini, cum Christum genuisti;
Tuem exora filium, ut se nobis propitium, Exhibeat, et deleat peccata, Praestans auxilium;
Vita frui beta, Post hoc exsilium. – Philip, Chancellor of Paris, c 1160–1236

Click the Button to sing the prayer (Gregorian Plainchant acapella vocal performance without instrumental music), or play the song in a New Window

Sancte Michael Archangele,
defende nos in proelio;
contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium.
Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur:
tuque, Princeps militiae caelestis,
Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo,
divina virtute, in infernum detrude.
Blessed Michael, archangel,
defend us in the hour of conflict.
Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil
(may God restrain him, we humbly pray):
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God thrust Satan down to hell
and with him those other wicked spirits
who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.
St. Michael, the Archangel
Defend us in battle.
Be our protection against
the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host
by the power of God, cast into hell
satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl throughout the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Click the Button to sing the prayer (instrumental background without vocals), or play the song in a New Window

O Jesu! Life-Spring Of The Soul
(Te Splendor et Virtus Patri)
Tibi Christe Splendor Patris,
Rabanus Maurus (c. 776-856)
Archbishop of Mainz
Translated by Fr. Edward Caswall, C.O., 1849
Solemnis Haec Festivitas
Paris Gradual, 1689
1. O Jesu! life-spring of the soul!
The Father’s Pow’r, and Glory bright!
Thee with the Angels we extol;
From Thee they draw their life and light.
2. Thy thousand thousand hosts are spread,
Embattled o’er the azure sky;
But Michael bears thy standard dread,
And lifts the mighty Cross on high.
3. He in that Sign the rebel powers
Did with their Dragon Prince expel;
And hurl’d them from the Heaven’s high towers,
Down like a thunderbolt to hell.
4. Grant us with Michael still, O Lord,
Against the Prince of Pride to fight;
So may a crown be our reward,
Before the Lamb’s pure throne of light
5. Now to the Father, and the Son,
Who rose from death, all glory be;
With Thee, O holy Comforter,
Henceforth through all eternity.
[Within the Octave of the Ascension.] 
6. Glory to Jesus, who returns
In pomp triumphant to the sky,
With Thee, O Father, and with Thee,
O Holy Ghost, eternally. Amen.

Click the Button to sing the prayer (instrumental background without vocals), or play the song in a New Window ⧉ key of A
Click the Button to sing the prayer (instrumental background without vocals), or play the song in a New Window ⧉ key of Bb

Thee, O Christ, the Father’s Splendor
(St. Michael the Warrior Primate)
The Sodalist’s Hymnal, Philadelphia, E. F. MacGonigle, 1887
Tibi Christe Splendor Patris,
Rabanus Maurus (c. 776-856)
Archbishop of Mainz
1. Thee, O Christ, the Father’s splendor,
Life and virtue of the heart,
In the presence of the angels
Sing we now with tuneful art,
Meetly in alternate chorus,
Bearing our responsive part.
Meetly in alternate chorus,
Bearing our responsive part.
2. Thus we praise with veneration
All the armies of the sky;
Chiefly him, the warrior primate,
Of celestial chivalry,
Michael, who in princely virtue
Cast Abaddon from on high.
Michael, who in princely virtue
Cast Abaddon from on high.
3. By whose watchful care repelling,
King of everlasting grace!
Every ghostly adversary,
All things evil, all things base,
Grant us of Thine only goodness,
In Thy paradise a place.
Grant us of Thine only goodness,
In Thy paradise a place.
4. Laud and honor to the Father,
Laud and honor to the Son,
Laud and honor to the Spirit,
Ever Three, and ever One,
Consubstantial*, co-eternal,
While unending ages run.
Consubstantial, co-eternal,
While unending ages run.
*(One in Being.The Three Divine Persons are in One Another [#41].)

Click the Button to sing the prayer (Gregorian Plainchant acapella vocal performance without instrumental music), or play the song in a New Window

Tibi, Christe, splendor Patris.
Blessed Rabanus Maurus (ca. 780-856)
1. Tibi, Christe, splendor Patris,
Vita, virtus cordium,
In conspectu Angelórum
Votis, voce psállimus:
Alternantes concrepando
Melos damus vócibus.
1. Thee, O Christ, the Father’s splendor,
Life and virtue of the heart,
In the presence of the angels
Sing we now with tuneful art,
Meetly in alternate chorus,
Bearing our responsive part.
2. Collaudámus venerantes
Omnes caeli mílites,
Sed praecípue Primátem
Caelestis exércitus:
Michaélem, in virtúte
Conterentem zábulum.
2. Thus we praise with veneration
All the armies of the sky;
Chiefly him, the warrior primate,
Of celestial chivalry,
Michael, who in princely virtue
Cast Abaddon from on high.
3. Quo custóde procul pelle,
Rex Christe piíssime,
Omne nefas inimíci:
Mundo corde et córpore,
Paradíso redde tuo
Nos sola clementia.
3. By whose watchful care repelling,
King of everlasting grace,
Every ghostly adversary,
All things evil, all things base,
Grant us of Thine only goodness,
In Thy paradise a place.
4. Gloriam Patri melódis
Personémus vócibus,
Gloriam Christo canámus,
Gloriam Paráclito,
Qui trinus et unus Deus
Exstat ante sáecula. Amen.
4. Laud and honor to the Father,
Laud and honor to the Son,
Laud and honor to the Spirit,
Ever Three, and ever One,
Consubstantial, co-eternal,
While unending ages run. Amen.

Hymns to The Guardian Angel

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