Novena to Saint Monica


Faithful God, Light of all hearts, we praise Thee for Saint Monica, woman of living faith and reconciling love. She nursed her son, Augustine, on the Name of Jesus, and urged him tirelessly to a Christian way of life. In answer to her prayers for his conversion Thou gavest her greater joy than all her tears had dared to ask. Hear our prayers: [make intention]. As once Thou didst captivate the heart of St. Augustine, so now draw our hearts to Thee, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new. R. Amen.

O God, Who observed the devout tears and pleading of St. Monica and granted to her prayers the conversion of her husband and the penitential return of her son Augustine, grant us the grace to implore Thee also with earnest zeal, so that we may obtain, as she did, the salvation of our own soul and the souls of those belonging to us. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

O holy Monica, by your patience and prayers you obtained from God the conversion of your husband and the grace to live in peace with him; obtain for us, we beseech you, the blessing of Almighty God, so that true harmony and peace may reign also in our homes, and that all the members of our families may attain eternal life. R. Amen.

O holy Monica, by your burning tears and unceasing prayers you saved your son from eternal damnation. Obtain for us the grace ever to comprehend what is most conducive to the salvation of our children, so that we may effectively restrain them from sin and lead them by virtue and piety to Heaven! R. Amen.

V. O Mary, Immaculate Virgin and Sorrowful Mother, commend our beloved children to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, who refuses nothing to His Mother.

V. Holy Guardian Angels,

R. Pray for them.

V. St. Joseph, powerful patron,

R. Pray for them.

V. St. John, beloved disciple of the Heart of Jesus,

R. Pray for them.

V. St. Augustine,

R. Pray for them.

V. St. Anthony,

R. Pray for them.

V. St. Aloysius,

R. Pray for them.

V. St. Anne, Mother of Our Lady,

R. Pray for them.

V. St. Elizabeth,

R. Pray for them.

V. St. Monica,

R. Pray for them. Amen.

Saint Augustine and Saint Monica in a Sermon by Saint Ambrose by Vergós Group
A Story of Three Saints

Henry Formby
St. Monica

Old English Air
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say

1. To ancient Milan’s city fair,
where holy Ambrose dwelt,
A woman came in deepest woe,
and at his feet she knelt:
“Father, I weep both day and night,
my very heart is riv’n;
My unbelieving son is still,
by pride and passion driv’n.

2. He wanders to and fro on earth,
his spirit seeking rest;
And finding none, he drains a cup,
by God and man unblest.
His voice, O Father, still upholds,
each impious sect in turn,
and men from his impassion’d words,
pernicious errors learn.”

3. “Rise, daughter, rise,” the saint replied, ⁠
“take courage from thy fears;
The child will not be lost for whom,
a mother sheds such tears.”
For Augustine unbaptized it was,
that weeping mother pray’d,
And on Saint Austin’s breast at last,
her dying head was laid.

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O Heavenly Father, I commend my children and grandchildren to You. Be their God and Father, and mercifully supply whatever is wanting in me through negligence. Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world, to resist all solicitations to evil, whether from within or without; and deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy. Pour Your grace into their hearts and confirm and multiply in them the gifts of Your Holy Spirit, that they may daily grow in grace and in the knowledge of Our Lord Jesus Christ, so that, faithfully serving You here, they may come to rejoice in Your presence hereafter. Amen.

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…whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, that will I do…–John 14:13

Lord, all hearts are in Thy hands: Thou canst bend as Thou wilt the most stubborn, and soften the most obdurate. Do that honor this day to

  • the precious blood,
  • the merits,
  • the sacred wounds,
  • the holy name, and
  • the loving Heart

of Thy beloved Son, of granting the conversion of N.N. (or of bestowing such a grace, etc.).


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