Abridgment of Christian Doctrine |
20 |
Christian Faith and Practice |
25 |
Morning Prayers (Prime) |
37 |
Morning Prayers, Another Form |
51 |
Morning Prayers, Acts of Faith, Hope, etc. |
53 |
Morning Prayers, Angelus, etc. |
55 |
Morning Prayers, Grace before and after Meals |
58 |
Morning Prayers, Litanies of the Holy Name and of Loreto |
60 |
Evening Prayers (Compline) |
69 |
Evening Prayers, Another Form |
81 |
Devotions for Mass |
89 |
Manner of Serving Mass |
106 |
Blessing of Water and Asperges |
109 |
Ordinary of the Mass |
114 |
The Te Deum, etc. |
160 |
Vespers |
178 |
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament |
220 |
Occasional Offices — Blessing of Candles |
225 |
Occasional Offices — Blessing of Ashes |
234 |
Occasional Offices — Blessing of Children |
240 |
Seven Penitential Psalms, and Litany of the Saints |
245 |
Devotions for Confession |
271 |
Devotions for Communion |
302 |
Visit to the Blessed Sacrament |
340 |
Way of the Cross |
348 |
Seven Words upon the Cross |
361 |
Rosary (with form of Blessing) |
368 |
Scapular (with form of Investing) |
383 |
The Sacraments in General |
390 |
Holy Baptism |
393 |
Reception of Converts |
412 |
Confirmation |
418 |
Matrimony — The Ceremony |
436 |
Matrimony — Nuptial Mass |
440 |
Matrimony — Mixed Marriages |
449 |
Churching of Women |
454 |
Devotions for the Sick |
459 |
Communion of the Sick |
475 |
Extreme Unction |
482 |
Visitation of the Sick |
494 |
Last Indulgence |
501 |
Recommendation of a Soul departing |
511 |
Burial of the Dead, Adults |
541 |
Burial of the Dead, Infants |
587 |
Hymns and Sequences |
599 |
Collects, Epistles and Gospels, etc. |
665 |
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