Manual of prayers for use of the Catholic laity — Plenary Council of Baltimore (1888)

Abridgment of Christian Doctrine 20
Christian Faith and Practice 25
Morning Prayers (Prime) 37
Morning Prayers, Another Form 51
Morning Prayers, Acts of Faith, Hope, etc. 53
Morning Prayers, Angelus, etc. 55
Morning Prayers, Grace before and after Meals 58
Morning Prayers, Litanies of the Holy Name and of Loreto 60
Evening Prayers (Compline) 69
Evening Prayers, Another Form 81
Devotions for Mass 89
Manner of Serving Mass 106
Blessing of Water and Asperges 109
Ordinary of the Mass 114
The Te Deum, etc. 160
Vespers 178
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 220
Occasional Offices — Blessing of Candles 225
Occasional Offices — Blessing of Ashes 234
Occasional Offices — Blessing of Children 240
Seven Penitential Psalms, and Litany of the Saints 245
Devotions for Confession 271
Devotions for Communion 302
Visit to the Blessed Sacrament 340
Way of the Cross 348
Seven Words upon the Cross 361
Rosary (with form of Blessing) 368
Scapular (with form of Investing) 383
The Sacraments in General 390
Holy Baptism 393
Reception of Converts 412
Confirmation 418
Matrimony — The Ceremony 436
Matrimony — Nuptial Mass 440
Matrimony — Mixed Marriages 449
Churching of Women 454
Devotions for the Sick 459
Communion of the Sick 475
Extreme Unction 482
Visitation of the Sick 494
Last Indulgence 501
Recommendation of a Soul departing 511
Burial of the Dead, Adults 541
Burial of the Dead, Infants 587
Hymns and Sequences 599
Collects, Epistles and Gospels, etc. 665

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