Our Father, Who Art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done;
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Click the ▶ Button to sing the prayer (key for Women), or play the song in a New Window ⧉
Click the ▶ Button to sing the prayer (key for Men), or play the song in a New Window ⧉
The Common Meter,
Our Father, which in Heaven art,
We sanctify Thy name :
Thy kingdom come : Thy will be done :
In heaven and earth the same :
Give us this day our daily bread :
And us forgive Thou so,
As we on them that us offend
Forgiveness do bestow :
Into Temptation lead us not,
But us from evil free :
[Doxology] For Thine the kingdom, power, and praise
Is, and shall ever be.
Click the ▶ Button to sing the prayer (key for Women), or play the song in a New Window ⧉
Click the ▶ Button to sing the prayer (key for Men), or play the song in a New Window ⧉
Fr. Frederick William Faber (1848) | William Croft St. Anne (1708). |
1. My God, how wonderful thou art, thy majesty how bright! How beautiful thy mercy seat, in depths of burning light! |
2. Wondrous are thine eternal years, O everlasting Lord, by holy angels day and night unceasingly adored! |
3. O how I fear thee, living God, with deepest, tend’rest fears, and worship thee with trembling hope and penitential tears! |
4. Yet I may love thee too, O Lord, almighty as thou art, for thou hast stooped to ask of me the love of my poor heart. |
5. No earthly father loves like thee, no mother half so mild bears and forbears, as thou hast done with me, thy sinful child. |
6. Father of Jesus, Love divine, what rapture it will be, prostrate before thy throne to lie, and gaze and gaze on thee! Amen. |
Prayer to the Eternal Father
O Eternal Father, through the divine Heart of Jesus, I adore Thee for all those who adore Thee not; I love Thee for all those who do not love Thee. I go in spirit through the whole world to seek for souls redeemed by the Blood of Jesus. I embrace them in order to present them to Thee in His Sacred Heart, and in union with that merciful Heart I ask for their conversion.

Ah, my God and Father of my Redeemer! I love Thy Son, who suffers for love of me; and I love Thee, who with so much love hast abandoned him to so many pains for me. Oh, look not on my sins by which I have so often offended Thee and Thy Son: Look upon the face of Thy Christ. Behold Thine only-begotten, all covered with wounds and shame in satisfaction for my faults; and for his merits pardon me, and never let me again offend Thee. His blood be upon us. The blood of this man, so dear unto Thee, who prays to Thee for us, and impetrates Thy mercy, let this descend upon our souls, and obtain for us Thy grace. O my Lord! I hate and abhor all that I have done that displeases Thee; and I love Thee, O infinite goodness, more than I love myself. For love of this Thy Son give me Thy love, to enable me to conquer every passion, and to undergo every suffering in order to please Thee. – St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ
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