About sing-prayer.org

This website is envisioned as an aid to the faithful in maintaining devotion at a time when it is anticipated we will all come under attack, not only from hierarchical but from civil authority. (See What to Do When the Ordinary Sacraments Become Unavailable.)

This site began as an organizing platform for presenting keyboard recordings of pre-conciliar hymns which are difficult to find, such as those honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary. These hymns, which have strong catechetical content which was purged after the Council, are from a period when the Church was much more upright in clearly presenting the truths of the Catholic faith, without regard for non-catholic malignity against the Church’s teaching mission.
As this work progressed, these hymns began to be included with several dedicated, personal prayer liturgies in which some music was traditionally appropriate, such as The Stations of the Cross and The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The proportion of hymns was reduced and prayer and meditation increased.
Extensive work began on prayers honoring the Sacred Heart of Jesus, starting with Enthronement and several well-known, older sets of prayer devotions, such as The Prisoner of Love, Jesus, King of Love, 21 Holy Hours and Night Adoration in the Home, most of which reside entirely on this site. Keyboard recordings of hymns on these pages were vastly reduced, in some cases made entirely absent.
About this time it became apparent that there are extremely numerous archived scans of pre-conciliar books, such as those recommended on the site Free Traditional Catholic Books. Our pages linking to some of these books consist of detailed tables of contents with direct links off this site to the corresponding detailed subject pages within the respective, archived books—therefore, by searching and finding a specific topic, the user can start reading about it without much further effort.

At the present time some of those contents links-out are presented on the home page of this website, entitled Prayer Classics Online. As the liturgical year progresses, offerings on that page are alternated to coordinate with the season.

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