Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations (Ireland — 1883)

Morning Prayer 2
Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus 6
How to Pass the Day in a Holy Manner 10
Night Prayer 12
The Litany of Our Blessed Lady of Loretto 16
Devotions at Holy Mass 20
Acts of Contrition, Faith, Hope, and Charity 23
Prayer before Mass 25
Prayers at Mass 27
Method of Assisting at Mass 50
Prayers at Mass for Deceased Friends 54
Dies Irae 56
Method of Assisting at Mass as a Preparation for Death 70
Method of Hearing Mass as a Propitiatory Sacrifice for Sin 79
A Method of Hearing Mass before Communion 87
A Method of Hearing Mass after Communion 97
Devotions to the Sacred Heart, during the time of Mass 108
Confession — How to Make a Good Confession 125
Before Confession — What Must Be Done 127
After Confession — What Must Be Done 128
Consideration. Of the Enormity of Sin 132
Consideration. Upon the love of Jesus Christ, who suffered for our sins 135
Prayer to Beg of God the Grace to Make a Good Confession 137
Prayer before an Examination of Conscience 142
Prayer to Beg the Grace of Contrition 143
Prayer After Confession 146
The Miserere 150
Holy Communion — Instruction for 156
Preparation for Communion 160
Meditations for Three Days before Communion 161
Acts before Communion 175
Prayers before Communion 179
Other Prayers before Communion 183
Invocation of the Blessed Virgin, the Angels, etc. 189
Prayers after Communion 195
Aspirations after Holy Communion 212
Reflections after Holy Communion 216
Anima Christi {Paraphrased) 227
Meditations for Three Days after Communion 228
The Other Sacraments-Baptism 246
Sacrament of Confirmation 246
Sacrament of Extreme Unction 248
Sacrament of Matrimony 250
On Mental Prayer or Meditation 251
Meditations for Every Day of the Week 255
Short Meditations for Each Day of the Month 273
On the Lord’s Prayer 302
Fifteen Meditations 306
The Sacred Heart of Jesus 311
Thoughts on the Sacred Heart 314
Act of Reparation in Honour of the Sacred Heart 320
Spiritual Communion 322
Litany of the Sacred Heart 328
Four-and-Twenty Acts of Adoration 331
Five Acts of Virtue 336
Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 340
Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary 340
Reparation of Honor to the Immaculate Heart of Mary 341
Devotions to the Sacred Passion of Our Lord 343
The Way of the Cross 345
Another Devout Method of the Stations of the Cross 367
Short Method of the Stations Of the Cross 375
Six Prayers of St. Bridget 380
The Psalter of Jesus 385
The Thirty Days’ Prayer to the Blessed Redeemer 396
Chaplet or Crown in honor of the Seven Dolors of the B.V.M. 400
The Thirty Days’ Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Honour of the Sacred Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ 405
Short Exercise in Honour of the Sacred Heart of Mary 409
Stabat Mater 411
The Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary 413
On the Sign of the Cross 415
Devotions to the Blessed Sacrament 418
Visits to the Blessed Sacrament for Every Day in the Week 421
Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary 435
Visits to the Blessed Virgin for Every Day in the Week 437
Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary 446
The Litany of Our Blessed Lady of Loretto 456
The Litany of the Saints 459
Old Irish Litany of the Blessed Virgin 469
Devotions for Every Day In the Week 472
Universal Prayer for All Things Necessary for Salvation 480
Devotions to St Joseph 486
Devotion of the Six Sundays in Honour of St. Aloysius Gonzaga 492
Prayer to our Guardian Angel 497
Other Prayers for Particular Purposes 499
Bona Mors: Devotions to the Passion of Our Blessed Lord, to Obtain the Grace of a Happy Death 508
Litany for a Happy Death 517
A Daily Prayer in Time of Sickness 520
Litany for the Sick 522
Recommendation of a Soul Departing 535
Litany for the Dead 542
Prayers for the Dead 548
The Penitential Psalms 551
The Magnificat 560
Mysteries of the Sacred Infancy: Novena for Christmas 561
Novena in Preparation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception 566
Novena for the Feast of Our Lady’s Nativity 573
Novena for the Feast of the Purification 575
Novena for the Feast of the Annunciation 577
Novena of the Assumption 580
Novena of the Holy Ghost 589
Novena of St. Francis Xavier 597
Novena of St. Joseph 603
Novena for the Festival of Corpus Christi 608
Novena for the Feast of the Sacred Heart 609
Novena for the Feast of the Dolors of the Blessed Virgin 611
Novena of St. Patrick 612
Prayer composed by St. Patrick 614
Hymns 616

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