The Lord’s prayer by St. Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor

With the Gifts of the Holy Ghost

The Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost (Click/Expand or Bypass)
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On the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Ghost

Baltimore Catechism Number Two

176. Q. Which are the effects of Confirmation?

A. The effects of Confirmation are an increase of sanctifying grace, the strengthening of our faith, and the gifts of the Holy Ghost.

177. Q. Which are the gifts of the Holy Ghost?

A. The gifts of the Holy Ghost are Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord.

178. Q. Why do we receive the gift of Fear of the Lord?

A. We receive the gift of Fear of the Lord to fill us with a dread of sin.

179. Q. Why do we receive the gift of Piety?

A. We receive the gift of Piety to make us love God as a Father and obey Him because we love Him.

180. Q. Why do we receive the gift of Knowledge?

A. We receive the gift of Knowledge to enable us to discover the will of God in all things.

181. Q. Why do we receive the gift of Fortitude?

A. We receive the gift of Fortitude to strengthen us to do the will of God in all things.

182. Q Why do we receive the gift of Counsel?

A. We receive the gift of Counsel to warn us of the deceits of the devil, and of the dangers to salvation.

183. Q. Why do we receive the gift of Understanding?

A. We receive the gift of Understanding to enable us to know more clearly the mysteries of faith.

184. Q. Why do we receive the gift of Wisdom?

A. We receive the gift of Wisdom to give us a relish for the things of God, and to direct our whole life and all our actions to His honor and glory.

Letter of the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster. xi
Pastoral Letter of the Lord Bishop of Richmond. xvii
Preface. xxvii
I. The five excellences of prayer. 1
II. The threefold effect of prayer. 8
III. How God is our Father, and our duty to Him. 10
IV. Our duty to our neighbour. 15
V. Confidence is the best disposition for praying. 17
Prayer to the Adorable Trinity for confidence. 26
VI. The first petition. The gift of the fear of the Lord. The beatitude of the poor In spirit. The glories of the Name of God. 28
VII. The three meanings of the word holy. 32
Note 1: St. Augustine on the beatitudes (Appendix). 117
Prayer to the Adorable Trinity for the hallowing of God’s Name. 35
VIII. The second petition. The gift of piety. The beatitude of the meek. 38
IX. The threefold way in which the Kingdom of God comes. 39
Note 2: On our Lord’s power (Appendix). 120
Note 3: On the communication of the Father’s substance to the Son (Appendix). 123
Prayer to the Adorable Trinity for the coming of God’s kingdom. 47
X. The third petition. The gift of knowledge. The beatitude of the mourners. 50
Note 4: On our Lord’s two wills, one divine and one human (Appendix). 124
XI. Three things that God wills about us. 53
Note 5: On soul and spirit (Appendix). 127
Note 6: On the resurrection of the flesh (Appendix). 129
XII. The will of God must be done in our bodies. 60
Prayer to the Adorable Trinity for the doing of God’s will. 62
XIII. The fourth petition. The gift of fortitude. The beatitude of those who hunger and thirst after justice. 65
XIV. Five sins to be avoided. 67
XV. Another bread: that is, a twofold bread. 73
Prayer to the Adorable Trinity for our daily bread. 74
XVI. The fifth petition. The gift of counsel. The beatitude of the merciful. 78
XVII. Why we make this petition ; how it is fulfilled ; and what is required on our part. 80
Note 7: On this petition from the Council of Carthage (Appendix). 131
Prayer to the Adorable Trinity for the forgiveness of sin. 89
XVIII. The sixth petition. The gift of understanding. The beatitude of the clean in heart. Temptation; its threefold cause; and our freedom. 92
Prayer to the Adorable Trinity for deliverance from temptation. 103
XIX. The seventh petition. The gift of wisdom. The beatitude of the peacemakers. Four ways of being freed from adversity. 106
Note 8: St. Augustine on the rewards of the beatitudes (Appendix). 137
Prayer to the Adorable Trinity for deliverance from evil. 112
An analytical exposition of the our Father. 114

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