21 Holy Hours by Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, for Special Intentions, Chapters 15-21, (Table of Contents)

BY Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.

See Table of Contents including Monthly Holy Hours, Chapters I-XIV

  1. Holy Hour for the Apostles of the Sacred Heart, through love, suffering, and Eucharist — specially dedicated to contemplative Communities
  2. Holy Hour on the Lord’s Passion at Jerusalem, on the altar, and in souls
  3. Holy Hour on the Holy Thursday Dungeon and the Tabernacle Prison
  4. Holy Hour to Enlighten and Comfort Souls who Suffer
  5. Holy Hour on the intimate family and social reign of the Sacred Heart
  6. Holy Hour dedicated to the Friends of the Sacred Heart
  7. Holy Hour for mothers

Appendix: Enthronement of the Sacred Heart

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