Morning Prayer |
20 |
The Lord’s Prayer |
23 |
The Angelical Salutation |
23 |
The Apostles’ Creed |
24 |
The Confiteor, or General Confession |
24 |
A Prayer before the Acts |
28 |
An Act of Contrition |
29 |
An Act of Faith |
29 |
An Act of Hope |
30 |
An Act of Charity |
31 |
A Devout Recommendation |
32 |
A Prayer for Perseverance in Goodness |
33 |
to your Angel Guardian |
34 |
The Angehcs Domini |
35 |
The Litany of the most holy Name of Jesu |
37 |
Salve Regina |
42 |
The Blessing |
42 |
Grace before Meat |
43 |
Grace after Meat |
43 |
Devotions for every Day in the Week |
45 |
Sunday — A Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity |
46 |
Monday — A Prayer to the Holy Ghost |
48 |
Tuesday — A Prayer to our Guardian Angel |
50 |
Wednesday— A Prayer to St. Joseph |
52 |
Thursday — A Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament |
54 |
Friday — A Prayer to Jesus Suffering |
56 |
Saturday — A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin |
58 |
Prayers at Night |
60 |
An Act of Contrition |
65 |
A Prayer for the Dead |
67 |
The Hymn — Te lucis ante terminum |
68 |
Antiphon |
68 |
The Prayer |
69 |
The Litany of the Blessed Virgin |
70 |
A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary |
75 |
A Prayer to your Guardian Angel |
76 |
The Blessing |
76 |
A Prayer before going to Sleep |
77 |
The Seven Penitential Psalms |
79 |
The Litany of the Saints |
95 |
Devout Prayers which may be said after the Litanies, according to the Diversity of Times and Occasions |
108 |
A Prayer for God’s holy Church |
108 |
A Prayer for the Chief Bishop |
109 |
A Prayer for all degrees of the Church |
109 |
A Prayer in any Necessity |
110 |
A Prayer against the Persecutors of the Church |
110 |
A Prayer for the President of the United States |
110 |
A Prayer for the Afflicted |
111 |
A Prayer for Heretics and Schismatics |
112 |
A Prayer for the unfaithful Jews |
112 |
A Prayer for Pagans |
113 |
A Prayer in time of War |
113 |
A Prayer in time of Famine and Pestilence. |
113 |
A Prayer for Rain |
114 |
A Prayer for Fair Weather |
114 |
A Prayer in any Tribulation |
114 |
A Prayer for Remission of Sins |
115 |
A Prayer against Temptations |
115 |
A Prayer for such as are on a Journey |
116 |
A Prayer for the Sick |
116 |
A Prayer for the Living |
117 |
A Prayer for our Friends |
117 |
A Prayer to beg Grace of the Holy Ghost |
118 |
A Prayer for our Enemies |
120 |
A Prayer against wicked Thoughts |
121 |
A Prayer for Charity |
121 |
A Prayer for Patience |
121 |
A Prayer for the Holy Catholic Church |
122 |
A Prayer for special Friends |
122 |
A Prayer for a friend in Tribulation |
123 |
A Prayer for all those who are engaged in the Employment or Service of others |
124 |
A Prayer for the Master and Mistress of a Family |
126 |
A Prayer for Parents |
128 |
A Prayer for Children under Parents’ care |
130 |
A Prayer for Scholars before Study |
131 |
A Prayer to be daily said by a Woman with Child |
133 |
A Prayer for a Husband or Wife |
136 |
A Prayer for Widows |
138 |
A Prayer for those who lead a Single Life |
140 |
A Prayer for the Rich |
142 |
Prayers before Mass |
144 |
Prayers at Mass |
147 |
Devotions for Confession and Communion |
186 |
Prayer before the Examination of Conscience |
187 |
A Method of Examination of Conscience, according to the threefold Duty we owe : 1. To God; 2. To our Neighbor ; 3. To ourselves |
189 |
An Examination for Confession |
193 |
The Precepts of the Church |
203 |
The Seven Deadly Sins |
204 |
A Prayer for obtaining Contrition |
207 |
Prayers before Confession |
208 |
Aspirations before Confession |
216 |
Rules for a Penitent at Confession |
223 |
Prayers after Confession |
226 |
Preparation for Communion |
231 |
An Act of Faith |
232 |
An Act of Hope |
233 |
An Act of Charity |
235 |
An Act of Desire |
236 |
An Act of Thanksgiving |
238 |
An Act of Fear |
240 |
An Act of Humility |
243 |
A Prayer before Receiving |
245 |
Instructions before Communion |
247 |
Instructions after Communion |
249 |
Prayers after Communion |
251 |
An Act of Praise and Adoration |
253 |
An Act of Hope |
255 |
An Act of Love |
258 |
An Oblation |
259 |
A Prayer for Perseverance |
260 |
A Concluding Prayer after Communion |
262 |
Devout Aspirations after Communion |
263 |
The Rosary of the Blessed Name of Jesus |
270 |
Fifteen Meditations on the Passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ |
290 |
Litany of the Blessed Sacrament |
300 |
Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
309 |
Litany of the Sacred Heart |
311 |
An Invitation, or the Devout Soul’s Repair to the Sacred Heart |
315 |
Reparation of Honor to the Sacred Heart |
317 |
Indulgences |
321 |
Of a Jubilee |
324 |
A Prayer for the whole State of Christ’s Church upon Earth |
325 |
A Universal Prayer for all Things necessary to Salvation |
333 |
Instructions and Devotions for the Sick |
337 |
A Daily Prayer in Time of Sickness |
340 |
Acts of the most necessary Virtues to be made in Time of Sickness |
343 |
A Daily Preparation for Death |
347 |
Litany for a Happy Death |
350 |
The Litany for the Sick, and Preparation for Death |
354 |
A Prayer before Receiving the Viaticum |
360 |
An Act of Thanksgiving, after having received the Holy Communion, or Viaticum |
364 |
A Prayer before Extreme Unction |
366 |
A Prayer after Extreme Unction |
368 |
Litany for a Soul Departing |
371 |
Litany for the Dead |
387 |
A Prayer upon the Day of a Person’s Decease or Burial |
394 |
The Thirty Days’ Prayer to our Blessed Redeemer |
396 |
The Thirty Days’ Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary |
404 |
A devout Act of Contrition |
412 |
Office of the Blessed Virgin |
416 |
The Jesus Psalter |
431 |
Prayer of the Agnus Dei |
453 |
The Memorare, or Prayer of St. Bernard to the Blessed Virgin |
454 |
The Stations, or Holy Way of the Cross |
456 |
The Rosary of the Blessed Virgin |
514 |
The Prayers of St. Bridget |
546 |
Indulgenced Prayer |
563 |
The Vespers, or Evening Song for Sundays (Latin and English) |
564 |
The Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament |
598 |
A Prayer to St. Michael |
606 |
Ejaculatory Prayers |
608 |
The Short” Prayers at Mass |
611 |