Liturgical Year: Passiontide And Holy Week

Prior Period Current Period Subsequent Period
Liturgical Year — from the First Sunday of Lent to Saturday of the 4th Week of Lent Liturgical Year — Passiontide And Holy Week Liturgical Year — Paschal Time from Easter to the Sunday After Easter (Quasimodo or Low Sunday)
Multiple Instances of Some Days are Present in Adjoining Periods
Chapter I — The History of Passiontide and Holy Week 1
Chapter II — The Mystery of Passiontide and Holy Week 11
Chapter III — Practice during Passiontide and Holy Week 15
Chapter IV — Morning and Night Prayers for Passiontide and Holy Week 25
Chapter V — On hearing Mass during Passiontide and Holy Week 38
Chapter VI — On Holy Communion during Passiontide and Holy Week 74
Chapter VII-— Of the Office of Vespers for Sundays and Feasts during Passiontide and Holy Week 81
Chapter VIII — On the Office of Compline during Passiontide and Holy Week 92
Passion Sunday 103
Mass 107
Vespers 118
Monday in Passion Week 121
Tuesday 132
Wednesday  141
Thursday 150
Friday in Passion Week — The Seven Dolours of the Blessed Virgin 160
Saturday  180
Palm Sunday 192
The Blessing of the Palms 201
The Procession 213
Mass 218
Vespers 237
Monday in Holy Week 243
Tuesday in Holy Week 255
Wednesday in Holy Week 274
Office of Tenebrae  297
Maundy Thursday 301
The Night Office 301
The Morning 350
The Reconciliation of Penitents 352
The Blessing of the Holy Oils 358
The Mass 375
Vespers 384
The Stripping of the Altars 391
The Washing of the Feet 395
The Office of Tenebrae 401
The Evening 401
Good Friday 413
The Night Office 413
The Morning 450
The Morning Service 464
The Lessons 465
The Prayers 480
The Veneration of the Cross 486
The ‘Improperia’ or ‘Reproaches’ 491
Mass of the Presanctified 496
Vespers 501
Afternoon 502
The Office of Tenebrae 511
The Evening 511
Holy Saturday 520
The Night Office 520
The Morning 546
The Morning Service 550
The Blessing of the new Fire and Incense 552
The Paschal Candle  560
The Prophecies 566
The Blessing of the Font 606
Baptism 617
Confirmation 619
The Litany 622
Mass 626
Vespers 633
The Evening 636