
Hymns for the Tarcisians of the Sacred Heart

(About the League of the Tarcisians of the Sacred Heart)

Click the Button to sing the prayer (key for Women), or play the song in a New Window

Click the Button to sing the prayer (key for Men), or play the song in a New Window

Hymn of the Tarcisian League
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

(↑J.S. Bach, Liebster Immanuel↑ | ↓Felix Mendelssohn, Consolation↓)

1. We love Thee, Lord, and we will love Thee ever.
We long to see Thy Heart triumph and reign.
We long to help all souls to know and love Thee;
For this we give thee all our_ joy and pain.

Yes, Thou must reign the Sovereign King of nations!
Thy love must be acknowledged and adored
Adveniat! must be our prayer unceasing,
Adveniat! O Heart of_ Christ Our Lord.

2. We promise Thee to fight against temptation
To offer Thee our prayer, our work, our play,
That Thou mayst reign in every home and country
That all men’s hearts may bend be_-neath Thy sway.

3. Yes, we are Thine, Thine own, Thy child apostles,
And Thou didst love the little ones of yore,
So let us comfort Thee, O dearest Jesus,
This is the grace today We_ Thee implore.

4. Bless us, dear Lord and bless all hearts that love Thee,
Bless Thou our homes, where Thou dost reign as King
Grant us the grace to win more hearts to love Thee
Grant us the grace more homes to_ Thee to bring.

5. O King of Love, accept our weak endeavour,
See us Thy children gathered round Thee now.
We long to haste the coming of Thy Kingdom,
The day when all to Thy sweet_ yoke will bow.

Click the Button to sing the prayer (key for Women), or play the song in a New Window

Click the Button to sing the prayer (key for Men), or play the song in a New Window

Tarcisians of the Sacred Heart are boys and girls from kindergarten up, who endeavor to bring the Sacred Heart into their own homes and the homes of others through their great love for the Sacred Heart. The means they use are “Golden Pennies” (prayers, sacrifices and Eucharistic devotions). This crusade was started by Father Mateo to help spread the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home.

The name “Tarcisian” comes from St. Tarcisius, the boy-martyr, who was killed in the early centuries of the Church, while carrying the Blessed Sacrament to Christians condemned to death by the pagans. St. Tarcisius is a model and patron for all boys and girls who love the Blessed Sacrament and who, like him, try to bring Jesus to souls.

A Tarcisian Club may be started in your own home. Once your children become Tarcisians, you will be amazed at the transformation the Sacred Heart will effect in their souls. Information in the original text which is no longer relevant: Send for explanatory leaflet and copy of the Tarcisian newspaper, THE KING’S REIGN. Write to: Tarcisian Club, 4930 S. Dakota Ave. N.E., Washington 17, D. C.

🔊Tarcisians of the Sacred Heart (25:06)
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Statutes of the League of the Tarcisians of the Sacred Heart

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