
Morally Neutral Will vs. the vice of Pride

We respectfully submit all inquiries about matters of permissible theological speculation to duly constituted, Catholic authority of the ages, especially under the auspices of local congregations of the usus antiquior.

This is to distinguish the normal human impulse to exercise of the will, intrinsic to human nature, from the vice of pride, the original vice in the hierarchy of vices.

Vice Latin Virtue Latin
Lust Luxuria Chastity Castitas
Gluttony Gula Temperance Moderatio
Greed Avaritia Charity (Generosity) Caritas (Liberalitas)
Sloth Acedia Diligence Industria
Wrath Ira Patience Patientia
Envy Invidia Gratitude Gratia
Pride Superbia Humility Humilitas

It seems that the Church teaches that, while in God it may be that in His ultimate simplicity, will and intellect are not fundamentally distinguished, from the perspective of created spiritual beings, intellect and will are to be distinguished. This is known from the catechetical formulation, that our original parents’ fall from grace was characterized by residual darkening of the intellect and weakening of the will.

An illustration from orthodox philosophy seems to clarify the issue of distinctions among the intellect, the will and the passions.

The charioteer represents the intellect, the reins represent the will, the horses represent the passions.

A representation of the passions is useful.

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